[Vwdiesel] Can't get my Pistons out.
Kenneth E. Oldrid
koldrid at zoo.uvm.edu
Sat Feb 8 19:54:08 EST 2003
Well Forrest,
don't get too carried away with this, pal. I was describing my financial status
to stress I wanted an inexpensive fix. It wasn't bragging, but think what you
like. And before you correct others on spelling, you might want to check your
About the piston... I did not put any lube on that lip when I was trying to
push the piston out through the hole. That, after a bit more sanding, might
work! Thanks Hagar for the tip.
By the way, I can't remove the piston from the bottom because I'm not removing
the crankshaft. The engine is still in the car as well.
the economically unviable student
Quoting Forrest L King <forrestking at juno.com>:
> it's possible - maybe he can't afford t get the cars fixed becuase he
> can't get a job because he is a poor student.
> or maybe he is poor becuase he has 3 cars and school
> or maybe he is nouve poore- like somehting recently happened that made
> him poor.
> anyways, i wouldn't brag to the list about being a poor student. maybe
> financially challenged.
> And Hagar, America is spelled with a 'c', not a 'K'. the 'K' is reserved
> for The Peoples Republik of Kalifornia.
> Besides why bash on 'America' why not the U.S.A. (as that was obviously
> your intention). America Includes both North and South American
> continents, and many countires, many of wich are poor beyond comparison
> to the U.S.A.
> .
> On Sat, 8 Feb 2003 12:55:21 -0800 "H .Hagar" <h_hagar at prcn.org> writes:
> > This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> > --
> > [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> > Is a POOR student with 3 cars --LOL- ONLY IN AMERIKA: Hagar.
> > --
> >
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