[Vwdiesel] slow running

Kenneth E. Oldrid koldrid at zoo.uvm.edu
Thu Feb 20 11:00:01 EST 2003

I once ran my 86 jetta at 90+ mph for quite a while driving with 2 newer TDI's
in VT. They were doing 80 and I passed. We then started playing high speed
hopscotch. Not a usual practice. The best thing was my car was running on used
vege oil! I was curious how fast it was capable of with the different fuel. The
previous owner had timed it for max power. He used to run it at 85mph on long
trips for auto parts.

> That is about the way it is for me, too w/ my '85 Jetta TD. I get a little
> nervous around 85 MPH and leave it at that (like a wheel coming off or
> something). It feels like it may do 90 MPH, or a little more, but at '85
> MPH, acceleration really drops off to near nothing. At 260,000 miles on it,
> you think about these things!
> BTW, the '85 Jetta owner's manual states max top speed for the NA Diesel
> Jetta is 90 MPH, and the TD is 98 MPH.
> --Nate
> Shalyn Shourds wrote:
> > I met a guy the other day in front of an auto parts store who hopped out
> > of his car (Metro) when he saw my Jetta.  He was very excited when he
> > saw mine and especially when he found it was a Diesel.  He'd dreamt of
> > owning a Diesel VW for a long time and had just bought an '86 NA Jetta.
> >  Sounded like he really overpaid since it'd been wrecked a little and
> > there was oil for some reason in the coolant reservoir.  Said it started
> > quickly even on cold days, though.  We talked for quite a while (turned
> > out we have mutual friends).  Heard from him again today and he said his
> > car won't run faster than 60 mph.  This is on Texas highways.  60 is OK
> > only in school zones.  Even my old 1.5 L Rabbit would top out at 75 and
> > the Jetta TD I have I know will get to 85 before the driver chickens
> > out.  I told him to check his timing and to go through the fuel system
> > (clogged filter, leaks, etc.).  Any other ideas I should pass along?
> >
> > I really should go and see the car but I sort of have enough of my own
> > projects going on right now.  Hate to end up working on someone else's,
> > too.
> >
> > I and one of the newest members of the Diesel fraternity thank you.
> >
> > -Shalyn
> >
> > -85 Jetta
> > -65 190 Dc object d' art
> >
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