[Vwdiesel] Off subject, right hand drive

Drew MacPherson drew at scirocco.cs.uoguelph.ca
Wed Feb 26 14:17:37 EST 2003

The orientation of engine and transaxle in RHD VW's is the same as LHD

RHD VW's have their brake boosters mounted in the same location as LHD's -
however they use more complicated linkages to transfer the pedal motion to
the servo.  On A1's friends tell me this linkage introduces enough play in
the braking system to make the brakes seem dangerous and ineffective
compared to their LHD counterparts.  I believe this linkage was improved
with the A2 cars.


On Wed, 26 Feb 2003, Bob Soukup wrote:

> This is kinda off the diesel subject but....
> On left hand drive front wheel drive vehicles there is plenty of room in
> the engine compartment above the tranny for the master brake cylinder and
> servo, shift linkage, and other hardware.
> My question is this, on right hand drive FWD vehicles how is there room for
> the brake cylinder, etc.?  Is the engine and transmission turned around 180
> degrees?  If the power plant were to be mounted "reversed" then it seems to
> me that the entire drive trane would have to be geared in reverse.
> How about the brake, clutch & accelerator pedals?  Are they reversed too?
> I was in a country where they drive on the left side of the road (Japan)
> for a very short time and didn't have the opportunity to see the mechanical
> differences.  Besides, the cab drivers there had me so scared that I didn't
> think to look at the pedal placement.  Could someone fill me in on this?
> Are there photos on the net someplace?  Just curious.
> Thanks
> Bob Soukup
> '81 Diesel RabbitTruck
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