[Vwdiesel] CV Joint Boot

Al Stumbaugh alstum at visuallink.com
Thu Jan 2 10:38:59 EST 2003

Had a shredded inner boot on the '84 Wabbit,
on the short shaft, driver's side.

Not sure why, it had not been on there that
long. Took off the nut on the wheel end,
jacked it up and put it on safety stands.

Five of the tripple-square bolts came out
but one was damaged. Got it out with a new
pair of vice-grips, had a spare in the junk

Then the shaft did not want to slide far
enough to clear the tranny flange. Tried
several things, finally pulled the bolt
in the front, inner pivot of the control
arm. Pried it aside a centemeter or so,
and the CV shaft cleared! I did not want
to take anything off on the hub end and
have to get it aligned.

Got the CV joint off and cleaned and lubed
it. Dummy put the joint on backwards, so
it would not mate to the tranny! Finally
got it back together.

Thought someone would benefit from my

Clean the sockets of the tripple-square
bolts, and tap the tool to make sure it
has bottomed in the socket.
Make sure you have a spare bolt or two,
a spare tripple-square tool (I have had
them fracture on me just before the
torque wrench clicked) and be sure to
use a torque wrench or you will not
likely get them tight enough. Had one
come off at speed on an old Datsun
because the PO did not tighten them
properly, was not pretty.

My Two Cents!

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