[Vwdiesel] Tranny linkage bushing replacment

Nate Wall nwall at opei.org
Thu Jan 2 10:00:37 EST 2003

Yes, there is a trick. Here it is:

Remove all of the muffler hangers. Remove the cross brace (2 or 4 bolts)
that the exhaust pipe rides above near the rear axle beam. Now swing the
entire exhaust to one side and rest it on a stool, or the like (you can do
this because of the ball socket pivot joint between the manifold and header
pipe). The rear wheel may have to be removed for proper "swing" room, I
forget. Now, the pipe is out of the way enough to drop the shifter out the
bottom (after the resonator heat shield is removed).


"cruiser.hj60" wrote:

> Guys
> I'm trying to fix a worn stickshift linkage in my 86 Jetta by replacing
> some bushings. I also want to replace the ball and socket at the bottom
> of the stickshift lever. Am I right that the exhaust system has to be
> removed in order to get the stickshift out or am I off my rocker.
> Perhaps there is some trick to this you experienced guys can tell me
> before I start out on what looks like a lot of work under the car.
> Thanks
> Bill
> Vancouver Canada
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