[Vwdiesel] Injector Pump Speed Stability & Genset Use

maded maded at gte.net
Fri Jan 3 11:41:15 EST 2003

I thought it was possible to select a belt or cogged belt for most any
application that would run for thousands of hours.  I am sure the sales
people at Gates would claim such anyway.  Probably not a cheap solution
though.  So you can use an induction motor as a generator?  Like an
alternator?  How do you "excite" it or is it "self exciting" :-)

Ed Lowe, Seattle
82 Westy diesel upgrading to 1.9td
85 Golf diesel
92 Cabrio
97 Passat Tdi
> From: Harmon Seaver <hseaver at cybershamanix.com>
> Date: Fri, 3 Jan 2003 09:25:08 -0600

> Although I forgot to add that I thought that was a pretty crummy genset
> conversion. He should have used a 1800rpm generator or induction motor and ran
> it straight off the crank rather than belt arrangement. I had a sawmill
> running
> off a vw industrial engine with multiple belts -- they don't last that long
> when
> you're running it all day.

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