[Vwdiesel] Injector Pump Speed Stability & Genset Use

Harmon Seaver hseaver at cybershamanix.com
Fri Jan 3 22:16:21 EST 2003

On Fri, Jan 03, 2003 at 11:41:15AM -0800, maded wrote:
> I thought it was possible to select a belt or cogged belt for most any
> application that would run for thousands of hours.  I am sure the sales
> people at Gates would claim such anyway.  Probably not a cheap solution
> though.

    Maybe. My experiences with belts tho has left me with a total dislike of
them. If they worked so good, I'd think you'd see a lot more bikes (and even
bicycles) using them instead of chains. For converting an car engine to a genset
however, I'd much rather use the clutch and the tranny mainshaft -- maybe even
just gut the tranny and use it, no problems with alignment there.

>  So you can use an induction motor as a generator?  Like an
> alternator?  How do you "excite" it or is it "self exciting" :-)
   Yup, induction motor/generators are the best there are. No brushes to wear
out or use up hp. To turn an induction motor into a generator, you just
overspeed it. Like if it's a 1800rpm, you run it at 1850. It needs to have a
load tho. Works great for hooking up to your house to turn your electric meter
backwards. You can use the grid as a battery, just like solar. The induction
motor will see the waveform and frequency of the grid and conform to it.
   Although if you're going to do that, you'd want a good relay system so if the
grid goes down, you're automatically disconnected. And also a good govenor so
your engine doesn't wind out suddenly when there's no load.
   If you do it right -- and live in a state with net metering laws *and* get
the power company's approval, etc. -- and run the engine on either woodgas or
biodiesel or ethanol, you can even get paid for the power you produce. In WI,
for instance, you get retail rate if your genset is no more than 20KW, and you
can run it 24/7 getting paid the whole time.

> --
> Ed Lowe, Seattle
> 82 Westy diesel upgrading to 1.9td
> 85 Golf diesel
> 92 Cabrio
> 97 Passat Tdi
> > From: Harmon Seaver <hseaver at cybershamanix.com>
> > Date: Fri, 3 Jan 2003 09:25:08 -0600
> >
> > Although I forgot to add that I thought that was a pretty crummy genset
> > conversion. He should have used a 1800rpm generator or induction motor and ran
> > it straight off the crank rather than belt arrangement. I had a sawmill
> > running
> > off a vw industrial engine with multiple belts -- they don't last that long
> > when
> > you're running it all day.

Harmon Seaver

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