[Vwdiesel] Gensets--using --VW diesels.

H .Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Thu Jan 9 06:30:55 EST 2003

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I GET info from here about how to keep rabbit "RUNNING" ----LOL ---  I GIVE=
  info on gensets ---(have lots to give LOL )
First     60 Hz  110-220  -----common standby --for you all know where. (I =
loose power a lot).
Notice that VW engines are rated in KW---look in Bentley book.The engines a=
re HIGH SPEED diesels.---that is good or bad  depending.I refer to AC machi=
nes as alternators ---and DC machines as GENERATORS.
If I was to make AC unit for house use   (I have a lister 50KW --so I am no=
t) I would go for a two pole , that makes the direct drive work out to 3600=
The poles are found on the rotor (DC fields) --The power windings are found=
 on the STATOR  , and can be 3 Phase 6 Phase --for a beginner standby  , I =
would use single PHASE.     Governor qestions ??  LOL some other day , have=

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