[Vwdiesel] Injection Pump Problem

E. J. Gilbert gilbeej at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 9 08:46:51 EST 2003

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Hi Group,

I just replaced a leaking fuel injection pump on my 1981 VW PU with afterma=
rket turbo.  The engine idles very smooth and no leaks.  The timing was set=
 to 0.94 with a dial indicator.  The notch on the injection pump pulley was=
 slightly to the left of the mark on the mount.  Whenever I accelerate in f=
irst, second or third gear, the rpms build up nicely up to a certain point =
and then increases very rapidly.  This is below the turbo kick-in point.  W=
hen this happens, I take my foot completely off of the accelerator pedal, b=
ut the rpms only decrease very slowly back to idle making it difficult to s=
hift to the next gear with the motor racing. As long as I stay below this p=
oint on the rpm's, everything is normal.  Does anyone have any idea as to w=
hat might be causing this?  I can drive the PU the way it is, but have to w=
atch my acceleration closely.  Need whatever advice anyone has.

Thanks, E.J.

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