[Vwdiesel] (no subject)

TexasTDI TexasVWdriver at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 16 21:11:52 EST 2003

The TDI is designed for 55 cetane.  If you're in TX or CA you're getting a
minimum of 48 cetane.  But the rest of the US only gets a minimum of 40

You'll never see #1 Diesel at the fuel pump.  #1 is Kerosene and Jet fuel.
Winter fuel is 32 fuel with anti-gel additives in it.

I suggest Stanadyne Performance formula year round.  It has a cetane boost
and anti-gel additives.

Chris Thornton
1991 VW Jetta GL 2 Door 1.6D - 234k miles
2000 VW Golf GLS 1.9TDI 130hp/229ftlbs - 75k miles
1998 VW Passat GLS 1.8T -- FOR SALE
Amsoil Synthetic Lubricants Dealer #1098500

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeff Rakus" <turbobrick at hotmail.com>
To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2003 8:51 PM
Subject: [Vwdiesel] (no subject)
> Hi,
> I would like everyones thoughts on diesel fuel quality.
> From what I have read we have poor quality diesel
> here in North America. Rarely do I see any Cetane
> ratings on pumps and I had thought that refiners were
> supposed to switch to a winter blend ( diesel #1?) in
> the colder months. Does anyone have thoughts about
> anti-gel additives? What about Rotella DFA? What cetane
> rating fuel  should our engines have to run optimally?
> Jeff

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