[Vwdiesel] (no subject)

Nate Wall nwall at opei.org
Fri Jan 17 08:49:04 EST 2003

In all the 13 years I have had the Jetta, I never got a bad (water
and/or dirty fuel) batch of fuel. I did get a tank once in South or
North Carolina that made the engine run noisy as hell as I got up North
in colder weather. I've also NEVER had a fuel gelling problem, no ever
added any additives to prevent this. A couple years ago, I began using
Power Service diesel additive. Before that, I did not use any additives.


Jeff Rakus wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like everyones thoughts on diesel fuel quality.
> >From what I have read we have poor quality diesel
> here in North America. Rarely do I see any Cetane
> ratings on pumps and I had thought that refiners were
> supposed to switch to a winter blend ( diesel #1?) in
> the colder months. Does anyone have thoughts about
> anti-gel additives? What about Rotella DFA? What cetane
> rating fuel  should our engines have to run optimally?
> Jeff
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