[Vwdiesel] VW diesel fuel dilution in winter.

H .Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Sat Jan 25 18:19:42 EST 2003

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Still remember the diesels on Hindenburg  , just a hint to let you all know=
 that I have been around diesels for some time.  Knows little about Rabbit =
diesels , thats why I am here.
Like to get in  on the discussion  relating to the fellows on the east coas=
t of the continent. Someone is using Gasoline 1 gallon to 8 dieselfuel  ?-.=
 I do remember gasoline being suggested by Mercedes and VW   --- but then i=
t was Inline injection pumps. Not these delicate rotary delights.
Remember Cetane and Octane are opposites. We need lots of Cetane not Octane=
. So diluting with LOW octane product makes sense.      Here are some I wou=
ld use in a pinch,   Kerosene  Campfuel "Naphtha"  some oils do not gel if =
frozen ---try sample in freezer---I did.     Use to be nice to Injectors an=
d pump.Beats me how those absolutely clear oils never froze. Granted gasoli=
ne is handy.  Jetfuels are easy to find ---winterblend.  Again they are low=
 octane   .   I do not know a lot about 2 cycle lube in this connection.   =
Would never use it in summertime.  Notice the word Nitro in cetane improver=
 signing off let me suggest you use starting spraybombs wit lots of caution=
   these are LIGHT duty diesels.--- Coleman sportsstove under oilpan works =
too  for speeding up crankspeed.    Hagar.

May you all get started   I am here in the banabelt  on the pacific.

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