[Vwdiesel] VW Diesel Injectors. 1980 NA 1.5L and 1982 NA 1.6L (BOSH?)

H .Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Mon Jan 27 07:38:18 EST 2003

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Got the injectionpumps problems solved --Thank you fellows , you know who y=
ou are.
Now lets see if WE can do the Injectors.  Have a bunch of them here in fron=
t of me  .Think they say 130 bar on most of them. No problem I have the too=
ls for testing. So first question is   Are 1.5L and 1.6L identical ?   . Is=
 any DRIPPING acceptable ?
For the little money Volks   , Use ordinary greasegun  pipe T   Gauge worke=
d like a charm for me on olds years ago.     Careful standard guns  are 10 =
000 psi.

Havig an absolute ball driving and FIXING my old Rabbits.      Hagar.

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