[Vwdiesel] Re: 100,000 US Mandated Emissions Warranty?

Shawn Upton kb1ckt at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 3 10:29:02 EDT 2003

Totally off the wall, but...  Well, maybe more of a
question...  Anyhow, could the thermostat be stuck
open, and the engine always running in cold mode?
I'll assume that it isn't (in New England, one learns
if that happens really quickly), but you know about
those assumptions...

Beyond that, what about PCV valve, and other ignition
components?  I take it there isn't a distributor to
have a faulty cap, but ...
Message: 4
Date: Thu, 3 Jul 2003 05:48:44 -0700 (PDT)
From: Nate Wall <natewall1 at yahoo.com>
To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
Subject: [Vwdiesel] 100,000 US Mandated Emissions

Sorry about the off-topic, but I figured someone here
would know. My GF bought a '92 Volvo 960 from a guy
who lives a couple counties over where emissions
inspections are not required. The car has 90,000 miles
on it. When she had it emissions tested to get her
registration, it failed miserablly. It was about four
times over the limit for HC CO and NOx. New plugs and
an airfilter did not help. Failed the re-test too. A
volvo shop looked at it and said the catalytic
converter and possibly the O2 sensor are bad (Oddly
the car does not have an EGR valve). Estimates are in
the $1,500 range to fix it. The exhaust system is one
complete welded unit!!!! From where it bolts to the
head to the tip of the tail pipe! I thought I read
somewhere that cars sold in the US are required by law
to have a 100,000 miles emissions system warranty from
the manufacturer. Is this true? This is something I've
NEVER had to deal with!!!! Tx,


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