[Vwdiesel] 1.6l TD , no power

Mike & Coreen Smith ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca
Sun Jul 6 03:04:59 EDT 2003

HArdly any smoke........usually greyish/whitish If I ever see ANY.  Never
seen black smoke----EVER

----- Original Message -----
From: "Shawn Wright" <swright at zuiko.sls.bc.ca>
To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Sunday, July 06, 2003 1:49 AM
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] 1.6l TD , no power

> On 5 Jul 2003 at 15:57, Mike & Coreen Smith <ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca> wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I own a 1988 Jetta 1.6L Turbo Diesel 5 speed.  I've played to no end
> > the MAX FUEL screw and double checked I have boost, yet the car still
seems to
> > lack power.  All increasing the max fuel screw seems to do is put the
idle up
> > higher and higher. (IE: I don't see black smoke and I don't have any
more power)
> >
> > Speaking to my brother in law (<a mechanic>who sold me the car)
recently, he
> > said the PO had the flywheel off and it was reinstalled in the wrong
position so
> > now it cannot be "timed" correctly. The VW mechanic timed it "as best he
> > could".... I know NOTHING about timing this engine. (can someone explain
> >
> > Could this be my problem?  I get about 45MPG with it highway/city and on
> > recent trip to Quebec and back to NB I maxed out at 50MPG(CDN). I feel I
> > should be doing a bit better than that.
> >
> > Going up hills I have to downshift to 4th (sometimes 3rd) and I go
> > slower, slower, so that every single car ends up passing me.
> > Slow, like 30-50MPH, ~60-80km/h slow.  Absolutely the most gutless car
I've ever
> > owned.  I do OK when revvs are above 4k in the city, but zilch on hills
in the
> > highway. I also do OK in the city and on long flat stretches.
> My '85 TD flies up most hills in 5th, provided I'm doing 80 km/h going
into it. You
> don't mention what kind of smoke levels (and colour) you're seeing under
load - this
> could be a clue. I'd guess the timing is most likely though. I'm not sure
how one could
> screw up the flywheel - they can only go on one way from what I recall.
> --
> Shawn Wright
> http://Zuiko.sls.bc.ca/swright
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