[Vwdiesel] Rabbit 1984 1.6L Turbo ---- ( need help on lube ).
Nate Wall
natewall1 at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 15 06:55:00 EDT 2003
GL-5 lube has extreme prtessure additives and is
required for limited slip differientials, where gear
loading is exreme. Its the type and high percentages
of these additives that will attack bronze in
transaxles over time. Stick w/ GL-4. Redline MTL 90 or
another one of the Redline grades is best (I forget
the other one, the VW spec for weight falls right in
the middle of the two). "MTL", BTW stands for "Manual
Transmission Lubricant".
--- Lee Hillsgrove <hillsgrove at adelphia.net> wrote:
> Did not have time to check that I used the right
> (acceptable) lube. In
> crankcase Wal-Mart Tech 2000 SAE 15W40. In 5
> speed tranny
> ESSO Gear Oil GX 80W -- 90 API GL -- 5.
> I'm pretty sure you want to have GL-4 fluid in the
> transaxle. If my memory
> serves me, GL-5 will tend to attack the yellow
> metals, such as the synchro
> cones.
> Gear oil is not like motor oil as far as the
> ratings are concerned; While
> motor oil ratings supercede one another and are
> forward compatible, gear
> oils are not. So, while a GL-5 rating is newer, it
> is not necessarily
> better.
> Many people run Redline synthetic. Expensive, but
> worth it for better
> winter shifting particularly, from what I have
> heard.
> Here's a blast from the past, courtesy of Loren:
> "In a message dated 99-03-21 17:11:54 EST, you
> write:
> > Is there some sort of compatibility problem with
> GL-4 and GL-5? I would
> > like to use a synthetic tranny lube in my '91
> Golf, but all the
> > synthetics that I have found are GL-5 rated and
> my car asks for GL-4. I
> > remember someone saying that using GL-5 in a
> tranny that is rated for
> > GL-4 will cause problems. Could someone explain
> or refute this?
> >
> I've heard it two ways. It has to do with a
> phosphorous bronze addative.
> I've heard that one has it and will attack the
> synchros in a tranny
> requiring the other. I've heard that the addative
> is the required lubricant
> (or something) that keeps the tranny that requires
> it, from wearing
> excessively. Anyway, put GL-4 where it is required
> and GL-5 where
> it's required. I know Amsoil makes both. I had to
> look closely before
> finding the GL-4 stuff. It's cheaper too! :)
> Check closely to be sure,
> whatever brand you buy.
> > ALSO: Can any of you Canadians recommend a place
> where one can find the
> > 17 mm hex key or socket that is required for the
> drain & fill plugs on
> > my tranny? I looked around at the common places
> and couldn't find
> > anything. If you have bought one, could you give
> me an idea of its price
> > range too?
> Mac, Matco, Snap-on you can take a lug bolt and
> weld a nut to it or
> double nut it and use that too. Depending on where
> you find it, probably
> $10 - $20.
> Loren"
> From my archives, and a message from the "old"
> diesel list!
> Lee
> Oo-v-oO
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