[Vwdiesel] Timing Ecodiesel

Nate Wall natewall1 at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 16 07:23:01 EDT 2003

Yep, has to be .02 for the +-

For my '85 Jetta TD, the sticker lists setting at 1.00
MM +- .05 MM (or .+-.02 MM) one of these is from the
Bentley manual. I set mine at 1.03 MM and also use the
feeler guages (same thickness on both sides) on the
cam lock plate. When I'm setting all the timings. Then
I rotate the engine and check it again. I also checked
the whole mess after about 100 miles once in case the
T-Belt stretched a little. No change. Guess I'm anal
retentive. That's what the soon to be ex said (along
w/ a few other unmentionables), and she's a social
worker, so she must know.

--- Roger Brown <r.c.brown at ieee.org> wrote:
> Mary Beth and Chris Geiser wrote:
> >
> > Hello all,
> >         Bentley's lists timing for my '92
> Ecodiesel at 1.00mm +-2mm.  Is
> > this correct?  Other opinions for this model?  Why
> different from N/A or
> > turbo engine?
> >
> Its likely 1.00 +/- 0.02 or something like that.
> --
>     Roger
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