[Vwdiesel] one to puzzle over

Sandy Cameron scameron at compmore.net
Fri Jul 18 10:50:26 EDT 2003

I guess the thing to check (when it's hot and tired) is to quickly pull in
to a parking area, put it in neutral, don't touch the parking brake, jump
out and try to push it by hand and see if there is any resistance to rolling.

Other thing, you replaced the master cylinder. If the mc piston does not
release all the way out when you let the pedal out, it can cover the relief
port in the cylinder, and then as you travel and heat builds up, system
pressure can build up and apply the brakes. It's insidious, and cumulative,
it makes itself worse as it heats up.

prove this by going for a long drive without too much use of brakes, then
stop and quickly check hubs for heat. if they are hot, that's likely the
problem. You may not have seated the plunger in the booster diaphragm
propeerly, or missed a spacer replacing rhe new MC. Sure it's the right one
for the car?.


At 08:33 PM 7/17/03 -0700, you wrote:
>OK boys and girls.  Here's one to mull over.  '85
>Jetta TD.  I recently did a bunch of brake work, rear
>shoes, brake cables, rear cylinders, and master
>I immediatly took it on a 2000 mile road trip.  Things
>were fine till about the end.  Started really bogging
>down over hills and seemed powerless.  Cleared up and
>everything was fine.  Then, in the ensuing days, a
>persistant squeaking started from the driver's side
>that went away when I pushed the brakes or hit the
>e-brake.  I took the rear brakes apart several times,
>checked the rear bearings, replaced the rear rubber
>brakes lines, and even replaced a spindle or stub axle
>or whatever you call it.  Sqeaking's gone now, but I
>can't hold 75 mph on the flat.  I've also pulled apart
>the likely suspect wheel's brake cylinder and found
>nothing wrong.  Bled it out numerous times.  Brakes
>lines aren't dented or anything.  One last
>peculiarity:  when I start the car, the brake pedal
>sinks to the floor.  By the time I've been on the road
>ten minutes, the pedal has almost zero travel.  Also,
>fuel milage has sunk to the very low 30's from 40 mpg
>and it runs hotter than I remember it doing.
>At this point, I'm very open to suggestions from the
>collective wisdom.  I think the brakes are binding
>somehow, but I can't find where.  May mean it's
>something else entirely.
>-85 Jetta TD
>vwdiesel mailing list
>vwdiesel at vwfans.com

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