[Vwdiesel] one to puzzle over

Shalyn Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Fri Jul 18 23:48:12 EDT 2003

--- Mary Beth and Chris Geiser <geiser at execpc.com>
> I'll throw an odd one out as something to keep in
> the back of your
> mind... the interior of the rubber hoses in my old
> '74 bus deteriorated
> enough that the crud would allow pressure in, but
> not out.

I did replace the rear two flexible lines on my dad's
recommendation.  I looked at the one on the suspect
wheel and found no visible crud buildup.  I believe I
am, this weekend, going to go ahead and at the very
least try and backflush that one line and may go ahead
and replace the master cylinder.  I do try and flush
it occasionaly, but not as often as I should.  Master
cylinder was a lifetime replacement part, so all it'll
cost me is hassle.  I have begun to wonder it there's
a bit of crud stuck in the rear proportioning valve.
Never did adjust that thing right....

I really appreciate all the advice.  This is immensely
flustrating.  Brake work is the lowest strata of
mechanicking along with oil change shops and it's
driving me nutzoid to be stymied by this one stupid

I do have access to an IR thermometer at work--I'll
give that a go Monday if I've no success this weekend.

Thanks again all,


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