[Vwdiesel] Intercooler Hoodscoop --( here is old hagars opinion )

H .Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Thu Jul 24 09:08:25 EDT 2003

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Mike Alexander --  playing with VW diesels is a fun thing --hence no such thing as timewaste  --go for it man.       Intercoolers are important on any aircompressor system.    I did a lot of "timewaste" on keeping the cylinder head cool  ----but the feeling of steaming up that steep mountain road flat out (more than 52 kW's worth)  and the temp needle pegged at the second white mark ----somehow justified the waste.   Some of the fellas here actually meassured those temperatures, so ask Loren he knows who it was.The intercooler on a 1.6L turbo is easy to get to so do some testing.It is a heavy wall finned aluminium intake manifold so it is easy to drill and tap. Looks ??? could be real neat. I wish I was in your shoes.   Have fun.    Why was those phony chromeplated front shocks on my 1926 Harley so important ?? damned if I know. ´                  Hagar.

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