[Vwdiesel] TDI problems

TexasTDI texasvwdriver at hotmail.com
Sat Jul 26 23:35:43 EDT 2003

The N75 is a valve, not a relay.  Looking under the hood, look to your
right, right next to the master cylinder.  You'll see the N75 valve.  It's
white on top, black on bottom, with several vacuum hoses attached.  An easy
way to diagnose the N75 is to switch it with the valve right next to it, to
the left.  It looks just like the N75, except it's all black.  If power
returns, you know you have a bad N75 valve.

Chris Thornton
1991 VW Jetta 2 Door 1.6 Diesel - 238k miles
2000 VW Golf 1.9 TDI (turbo diesel) - 85k miles
Amsoil Synthetic Lubricants Dealer #1098500

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kenneth E. Oldrid" <koldrid at uvm.edu>
To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Saturday, July 26, 2003 9:54 PM
Subject: [Vwdiesel] TDI problems

> Had a power loss problem, found to be a cracked vaccum line running from
> air intake system to the infamous N75 relay. Good news was power returned,
> the aformentioned relay was clicking 24/7 with car on or off. 2 days later
I am
> driving home when car stalls. Start and stalls after few minutes of
driving. We
> soon pull over and the car won't start! I plan to replace relay 109, the
> power supply relay, per advice from the TDIclub FAQ. I am having trouble
> finding the N75 relay, which was acting funny. Any tips? I want to run a
> COM check on it soon, as the check engine light was on! Anyone else have
> problem before?
> Ken

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