[Vwdiesel] TDI problems

Kenneth E. Oldrid koldrid at uvm.edu
Sat Jul 26 23:54:16 EDT 2003

Had a power loss problem, found to be a cracked vaccum line running from the
air intake system to the infamous N75 relay. Good news was power returned, but
the aformentioned relay was clicking 24/7 with car on or off. 2 days later I am
driving home when car stalls. Start and stalls after few minutes of driving. We
soon pull over and the car won't start! I plan to replace relay 109, the engine
power supply relay, per advice from the TDIclub FAQ. I am having trouble
finding the N75 relay, which was acting funny. Any tips? I want to run a VAG-
COM check on it soon, as the check engine light was on! Anyone else have this
problem before?

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