[Vwdiesel] Injection pumps leaks -- BOSCH ( as seen by a hillbilly ).
H .Hagar
h_hagar at prcn.org
Mon Jul 28 08:04:34 EDT 2003
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Derek after you are over this one ---you will feel real good. ---I went=
through the hole mess about a year ago. First phoned dealer for price on =
new pump (5000 dollars Canadian) kiss my butt .By luck I stumbled in to thi=
s group of wizards. Problems solved.
Firstly tell the fellas number on the pump ---068 130 107 xx maybe and =
let them know mileage and year. These pumps are notorious for leaks at=
cold start stub-shaft "O" rings (2) the worst leak because it drains pu=
mp empty next worst is input shaft seal .Do not overtighten timing belt.=
other leaks are usually less problematic. they are things like "O" ring o=
n throttle-shaft . The pump contains an amasing amount of fuel so to pu=
mp it full with starter motor is not practical. have fun Hagar.
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