[Vwdiesel] Spraygun solved !!

Derek weasel1 at sympatico.ca
Wed Jul 30 21:45:20 EDT 2003

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Having replacement parts in hand, rather than try to epoxy the bolt in plac=
e, I removed that 3 sided nut, replaced it with the one from my parts pump =
and used a brand new copper washer.  Tightened everything up and no more le=
ak.  All I had to do is cut .5" off of the depth of a 1" socket and grind o=
ff three of the points inside it.  It fit on the nut perfectly ( although g=
etting an extension on it and a ratchet was a bit of a challenge )  No more=
 dribbles and it fires up very quickly now.  Thanks for the ideas ( and the=
 encouragement ) I think without you guys I wouldn't attempt half the stuff=
 I do.  Its a good thing that learning is still fun ..


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