[Vwdiesel] Are step by step instructions needed ??? (sometimes -so just ask).

H .Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Sun Jun 22 19:51:53 EDT 2003

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Look at my thread  11 may 2003.   Looks like  Frank Pival needs help on tim=
ing a  1.6L.
I just did a bunch and the procedure is easy ----Here are a few hints.
Flywheel can NOT be mounted wrong on crank. To see  TDC mark remove big pla=
stic timing hole plug.Put a paint mark on front mark Pulley and sprocket ca=
n NOT be installed wrong. (some people can do anything). If you forgot putt=
ing # 1. piston at TDC before putting head on ???---NO problemo. Turn crank=
 and cam at the same time. I use a breaker-bar on cam and  half inch drive =
ratchet with sockets.(takes a little practice)Remember valves are hitting p=
istons.Then adjust pump to middle of travel.To make the belt slip on the ea=
sy way  ??? use a couple of wood spring clamps (to hold belt to sprocket on=
 pump)Then make it as tight as you can between cam and crank.Then belt will=
 slip on pump. No need for dial indicator at this time.(it can be driven li=
ke this).   Then when you get to the dial job , remember to time the cold s=
tart first. (in cold just hitting the timing piston cam lobe)   If I forgot=
 something just ask.        Hagar.       have fun.
  PS: with head on find TDC sticking an old flat oil dipstick through injec=
tor hole. If you do not have a mark on your flywheel.   Use insulated stick=
 and a meter. ---Then make a GOOD mark on flywheel.(accurate one)

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