[Vwdiesel] fuel filter change 0n 97 passat tdi

Kenneth E. Oldrid koldrid at zoo.uvm.edu
Thu Jun 26 16:07:08 EDT 2003

Hi all,
I'm trying to change the fuel filter on my tdi. I can't seem to bleed the air
out of the system! Is there a trick for the tdi I'm not aware of? I have
cracked the injector lines and cranked the engine till fuel came out. I hooked
up an electric pump on return side of injector pump to pull fuel thru it, but
the air is remaining in the lines. What about the fuel preheater gizmo on the
filter where the return line passes thru the fiter? I didn't get a new one of
those when I bought the filter from the stealership ($45!). Oh well, I guess I
won't be enjoying AC today.


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