[Vwdiesel] Help water in cylinder

Val Christian val at swamps.roc.ny.us
Fri Jun 27 01:19:18 EDT 2003

The consideration I can offer is this...

	-break the bond  (heat, chemical, impact).  Since it's
	a cylinder, I'd use kerosine.  This time of year, it's
	warm (10F increase doubles action).  WD-40 is mostly
	fish oil and detergent.  Detergent is OK, but kerosine will
	soften up the rust matrix, and has some lubrication properties.

	I definitely would lean towards the chemical approach.
	Kerosine soak.  If it runs through, then you'll need a plan
	B.  I'd also favor rapping a trimmed 4x4 with something like a
	3 lb hammer.  The idea isn't force as much as shock.  Break
	up that rust matrix!

	If you have a helper, I'd put them on a breaker bar, putting
	torque on things as you rap away.  But I wouldn't rely on
	crankshaft torque to free things.  Too risky and too likely to
	break something.  But 150 ftlbs of preload never hurt.

	-examine the bore.  You may need to home, but if the cast iron
	has soaked with water, you'll have a breakdown of the casting,
	and with thermal cycles and the vibration and heat, you may
	have cylinder wall failure.

Val Christian

> Try this: Spray the crap out of those two cylinders w/
> WD-40 or the like every couple days, or just fill them
> w/ engine oil and let it sit a while to free them up.
> If you try to break it loose now, you'll bust the
> rings. Then, if you ever free it up, try putting it
> back together and hope for the best. Alternatively, a
> hone and new set of rings may be the way to go.
> --Nate
> --- Forrest L King <forrestking at juno.com> wrote:
> > Help -  I just openend up the engine on my 25 dollar
> > rabbit D and the
> > middle two cylinders were full of water - and it has
> > been there for a
> > long long long long long long time -- about 2 years
> > I think.   The engine
> > is locked up, I tried towing it in gear with the
> > head off to pump the
> > water out-- no luck, it just drug a tire.
> >
> > Has anybody had any luck with this?  It seems I
> > might be needing a new
> > engine block...   any suggestions?
> >
> > Forrest
> >
> >
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