[Vwdiesel] Diesel Fuel lubrisity (2 cycle oil adding ?)

H .Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Thu Mar 6 18:09:54 EST 2003

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Here are the reasons that Hagar never uses 2 cycle Oil as an additive. The =
inf. I got on that oil is that it is high  octane.      The lube we need sh=
ould be LOW octane. As luck has it all the best lubes for pumps and injecto=
rs are HIGH cetane  ---low octane. Yes mark shepherd most highly refined se=
edoils will do the job.My favorite one is castor oil .Best of all would be =
parafinoil if you can get it.The game is lubricate and burn clean. The cost=
 is important and that is one more reason for not using 2 cycle oil. Then t=
here is the matter of the many O rings --some additives attack seals.Some 2=
 cycle oils have additives to make them mix fast ---hard to get information=
.I know of no harm done by 2 cycle oils so it is your choice.Logic tells me=
 it lowers the cetane number of the fuel.Parafins and veggie oils are 45 ce=
tane or better so they are fine for the ignition part.Hope we get more peop=
le coming forward like Loren .It is a wery important issue.Maybe just maybe=
 there is a lubricant out there that we missed hearing about.
We need good lube at a good price.----so speak up fellas.        Hagar.

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