[Vwdiesel] Diesel Fuel lubrisity (2 cycle oil adding ?)

Dana Morphew kadm at pugetsound.net
Fri Mar 7 11:16:34 EST 2003

Here are the reasons that Hagar never uses 2 cycle Oil as an additive. The inf. I got on that oil

is that it is high  octane.      The lube we need should be LOW octane. As luck has it all the best

lubes for pumps and injectors are HIGH cetane  ---low octane.

***   I'm with Loren on this.  But the 2-cycle in big containers and the price is

Then there is the matter of the many O rings --some additives attack seals.Some

2 cycle oils have additives to make them mix fast ---hard to get information.I know of no harm done by

2 cycle oils so it is your choice.

***   2-cycle oil needs to be compatible with the soft parts found in a carb.  Not
only does it add lubricity, but it has detergents to help keep rings free and the
combustion chamber spiffy.

Logic tells me it lowers the cetane number of the fuel.Parafins and

veggie oils are 45 cetane or better so they are fine for the ignition part.Hope we get more people

coming forward like Loren .It is a wery important issue.Maybe just maybe there is a lubricant out there

that we missed hearing about.
 We need good lube at a good price.----so speak up fellas.

***   Don't know how it might lower the cetane unless it reacts with the molecule
responsible for the cetane.  I've been adding it for a couple three years now and
have found no reason to stop yet.
Just to add a note about additives.  It's nice to have an algicide in one of your
additives just incase.
Dad was CO of the Naval Fuel Depot in Rota, Spain 35 years ago.  I'll try to
remember to ask if he has a "take" on 2-cycle oil.


***   Dana

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