[Vwdiesel] Re: vwdiesel digest, Vol 1 #480 - 12 msgs

Roger Brown r.c.brown at ieee.org
Fri Mar 7 19:18:24 EST 2003

Harmon Seaver wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 07, 2003 at 03:04:46PM -0800, Dana Morphew wrote:
> > If a detergent additive isn't used now and then, you can have the top
> > rings stick, the intake valves likely will become mired in a gooey black
> > carbony oily residue, and your engine will loose compression.  The
> > 2-cycle oil can keep the combustion chamber ship shape.
> >
>     And what was the thing with ATF added once in awhile?

Similar idea except it doesn't burn cleanly and also has friction modifiers.  I ran it for years w/o trouble but have since
switched to 2-stroke and Stanadyne.  I got bit by low-sulphur mess in California 10 years ago, lost a pump due to the loss of
lubrication (in removing the sulphur they also removed and didn't replace the aromatics that provide the lubrication for the
pump).  I lasted about 8 months on the new fuel, the shop mgr. where I had the pump replaced said he thought he had seen all the
diesels in already (most 1-2 months after the switch).  His rig was still going strong and he ran the Stanadyne Perf. Formula.
So after that, I switched to Stanadyne and use the 2-stroke partly as a mixing agent.  I take a gallon of 2-stroke, pour 1/2
into another just then dump a pint of Stanadyne into each 1/2 gallon.  Makes 5 pints of mix, I then add 1 pint to a tankfull,
giving me about 3 oz. of Stanadyne and 13 oz. of 2-stroke.  Its just easier to dump in a pint then to measure out 3 oz. of


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