[Vwdiesel] diesel price midwestern Ontario

Nate Wall natewall1 at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 11 11:11:16 EST 2003

Diesel was $1.87 last night at a Mobil in Northern
Virginia. Wow! For some reason, this station always
has it lower than Hess or Crown, both which were
selling it for 1.83 last night. They now sell it for
what Texaco gets for their outragiously high "Premium
Diesel", $1.83 a gallon. This Texaco was selling it
for that this summer, when the others were in the
$1.40 something range.


--- LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:
> Last time I was in Seattle (Kent) I saw a station
> where diesel was $.020
> less than regular!  (about $1.45 for the diesel).
> Now here at home, it's
> $1.77
> for regular, $1.97 for premium and $2.07 for diesel!
>   I've been trying to find a source for methanol.
> Found a good price back
> somewhere around the Great Lakes area for about
> $3.40/gallon by the 55
> barrel.  Nothing local at all.  :(
>      Loren
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