[Vwdiesel] Need help getting parts from Germany

Bryan Belman dieselwesty at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 11 11:29:36 EST 2003

--- Dana Morphew <kadm at pugetsound.net> wrote:
> When I rebuilt my injectors for the 1.6, before I
> finished rebuilding the 1.9, I
> used needle/nozzle ass'ys. for the 1.6 CR engine but
> shimmed them to break at 135 to
> 140 which is the high end of the 1.9 n.a. spec..
> I've now got a set of n/n ass'ys.
> for the 1.5 that I'll use to rebuild the injectors
> that came out of the 1.6.  I'll
> stick those in the 1.9 when I check its compression
> this summer.
> Since Bryan has a n.a., melt-down isn't likely to
> happen (mine hasn't melted yet,
> and I've done some loaded, 2500 to 3000 rpm,
> climbing on hot days) mostly cause you
> aren't getting enough air to burn enough fuel to
> make enough heat.  Watch the
> coolant temp., don't let it overheat, and keep the
> rpms up.  You are throwing away
> money when you make black smoke.  If it were mine,
> I'd turn the screw in until I was
> seeing black smoke and turn it back out a bit from
> there.  It's all to what you are
> comfortable with and what you think you can get away
> with...the fine art of diesel
> tuning. :) I want a pyrometer gauge to
> watch...someday.
> They were selling the 1.6 head with 1.9 block a
> couple of years ago.  The hydraulic
> 1.6 is the one used.
> Dana
Thanks Dana, that is the motor setup I got along with
Ken Hunter who was on this list a few years back.  I
guess I got this motor some 3 years ago now.  It sat
in the gayrodge for 1.5 years until my 1.6 na died.
I guess my concern here is, until I get this motor to
start on a 1/2 a crank when it is hot with no Advance
cable to help, I will not feel comfortable that I have
the timing right.  Once I have that worked out, then I
will turn up the fuel 1/8 turn until i get smoke.
I also think it is worth pulling an injector and
getting the part number off the heat shield or
injector nozzle.

Bryan Belman, Pt Pleasant, NJ
82 Westfalia Diesel, 1.9L NA hybrid
90 Audi 200, 2.2L Turbo FWD
70 Type 1 Beetle, restored

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