[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 24 . ( Medicare for OLD rabbits )

H .Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Wed Mar 12 06:55:55 EST 2003

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In 1942 when Hagar started as a HAM , was it to save money ??? not solely .=
Now trying to become a dieseldoctor and Rabbit caregiver -  again it is mos=
tly for the shear joy of it.Yeah it is painful at times ---aint going to st=
op now.
So for you (young interns) who may be doing this for many years to come a f=
ew words of Hagars Saga.
Collecting tools was the starting point  ------ Mother look at me now. ----=
most used tools ?    Swiss army knife --4 inch crescent --4 inch Pipewrench=
 (Ridge) --.
This week is the mother of all caliper battles, 1980 Rabbit calipers ,salte=
d good by the highway crew.Not a job for sissies.--Will someone explain if =
the rubber on the piston is welded on ? ?.    Will do 8 calipers now. Two 1=
980 Rabbits one 1982 and one 1984.  Will be blasted and painted with Zinc c=
hromate (US mill spec) bleedsrews installled with a Rubbergrease zincpaste.=
       In line with Potters school of wizardry Hagar (Hagred) mixes up stra=
nge potions for use on warious Rabbit parts. for example ---Red lead +snake=
oil+graphite flakes+       get the drift?  yes even 2cycle oil if it keeps =
those top rings from coking up .   so welcome to Hogsworth.    enjoy   Haga=
Ps:  next potterkid wil be delivered by Hagred driving a Rabbit.

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