[Vwdiesel] Rabbit 1984 Turbo Diesel . ( need advice )

H .Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Sat Mar 15 07:58:43 EST 2003

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Hagar is up to his ass in rebuilding brake calipers --no time to read all a=
bout the turbo. Took her out for a spin yesterday. (100 000 RPM ? turbine )=
 =2E Sure is violent.----can the wastegate be locked open ? ----- 16 more h=
orses at lower RPM is some power.  Plan on going for a drive today , to see=
 if this Rabbit can be tamed.
Caliper war ???? the salt crew is winning ---broke a square easy out in ble=
eder screw.  Hagar does have carbide drills.
Will win the war.   EZ-out  Hevy duty  Super Valu  , you get the drift .  A=
ll sales crapp.


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