[Vwdiesel] Veggie oil

Ken Oldrid koldrid at zoo.uvm.edu
Thu Mar 20 15:44:26 EST 2003

Hey Arthur and anyone else interested,
I have some experience burning WVO in a vw diesel (4500 miles worth).
Once heated, the only difference I could detect between the 2 fuels
was that vege oil made it idle quieter. I made my own heat exchanger
fuel tank and pre-heater fuel line which is powered by engine
coolant. The directions for such a system came from the book entitled
"from the fryer to the fuel tank" by Joshua Tickell. The internet
also has lots of info on the subject. Check it out!
I plan to convert my 1.6 diesel vanagon to run on WVO soon. The
increase in price for diesel makes it that much more feasible. It
also feels good to not depend on fossil fuels for transportation.
Feel free to drop me any questions on the subject.


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