[Vwdiesel] Veggie oil

Sandy Cameron scameron at compmore.net
Fri Mar 21 18:21:03 EST 2003

At 01:14 PM 3/21/03 -0500, you wrote:
>Ok! You've picqued  my interest.
>This has been a on-going confusion of mine.
>I want to put another tank in my car for wvo. Use a six-port valve to
>switch between the two, but have alway wondered about the small amount
>of intermixing that will take place.
>So you say that a small amount in each respectively will mix more or
>less evenly? That would be great info.

Yes, I knew this some time ago as Joshua Tickle (VeggieVan) had done some
mixed fuel experiments with his Jetta.

The 50/50 mix in the sample bottles still looks homogenous, even after 2
weeks. No settling, or cloudiness.

I,m hoping a mix of WVO and petrodiesel will work for me by reducing fuel
costs by 50% without need of processing (I'm lazy)

By the way' I'm searching for a 6 port valve. Is there a generic model I
should bre trying to get? I have not had much luck with Google.


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