[Vwdiesel] piston rings

Kenneth E. Oldrid koldrid at zoo.uvm.edu
Sun Mar 23 16:39:14 EST 2003

Thanks for the replies. Mark, there was no cotton on the rings. Loren, I'll
make sure the rings fit in the cylinder. It was tough cleaning out ring grooves
on the piston. Maybe I should scrape them a bit more. I also have the ring
compressiing tool now. Wish me luck!


> > I am having trouble getting the pistons with new rings into the cylinders.
> I
> >  made sleeves out of smooth crdboard and then a soup can, smooth of
> course.
> I
> >  had a couple of zip ties compressing the sleeves and the rings contained
> >  within. But, still having trouble.
>   Buy the correct tool!  It's hard enough with it!  I can't imagine trying
> to
> do
> it with cardboard!  You only have .0005 to .002" clearance between a piston
> and one wall.  Be sure your groves are clean, especially on the inside,
> which
> will keep the rings from compressing far enough.  We had one set of rings
> that just plain wouldn't go in without filing and they were Std. rings in a
> Std.
> hole.  Make sure they'll fit in using a piston as a guide to push it in
> square.
>      Loren
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