[Vwdiesel] piston rings

Harmon Seaver hseaver at cybershamanix.com
Sun Mar 23 16:22:19 EST 2003

On Sun, Mar 23, 2003 at 04:39:14PM -0500, Kenneth E. Oldrid wrote:
> Thanks for the replies. Mark, there was no cotton on the rings. Loren, I'll
> make sure the rings fit in the cylinder. It was tough cleaning out ring grooves
> on the piston. Maybe I should scrape them a bit more. I also have the ring
> compressiing tool now. Wish me luck!
    The cleaning of the ring grooves can't be emphasised enough, and if you
gouge the sides of the lands, the pistons are junk. If the gas seal doesn't form
behind the rings, pushing them outwards, and/or the rings stick in the grooves,
the new rings do no good.

Harmon Seaver
We are now in America's Darkest Hour.

hoka hey!

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