[Vwdiesel] 83 diesel into 84 Vanagon

Harmon Seaver hseaver at cybershamanix.com
Mon Mar 24 17:44:49 EST 2003

   Won't you have to get a vanagon diesel tranny as well? The gearing is a bit
different. IIRC, people can use the gas tranny in a vanagon with a bigger
engine, like a 1.9TD, but not otherwise. My '82 diesel vanagon surely doesn't
have all that much power to pull higher gearing. Just putting 215/70/15 rear
tires on it was a bit too much, and I had to drop back to 205/65/15. Although
mine's a westy which is a bit heavier.

On Mon, Mar 24, 2003 at 05:30:05PM -0500, JoErnest at aol.com wrote:
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> 83 diesel into 84 Vanagon
> Any advice on this conversion would be appreciated.
> I have replaced the oil pump and oil pan and would like to test the motor
> before installation.
> 1) Is there a fuel cutoff solenoid? where? Does 12V+ open it?
> 2) Proposed test procedure: engine mated to diesel vanagon bellhousing,
> Rabbitt tranny & starter, 12V, fuel supply  - any other connections or steps
> needed?
> When installing into vanagon:
> 3) How can you tell the 82 from the 83 engine carriers - it appears we may
> have one set of each?
> 4) Is there a preference, 82 over 83?
>  Any modifications needed? tranny, engine mounts etc?
> 5) Besides the starter and alternator what electrical connections are
> required, is there a convenient wire (ignition/coil) that can be used for a
> fuel cutoff  if present?
> 6) Glow plug - I plan to install a dash mounted push button.
> Thanks.........JoE & Paul
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Harmon Seaver
We are now in America's Darkest Hour.

hoka hey!

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