[Vwdiesel] Northwest dieselfest ' 03..

Val Christian val at swamps.roc.ny.us
Sat May 3 00:12:23 EDT 2003

It's an interesting concept.  Copalis Beach is S16, and I fly out of 7G0.
It looks like the route would run about 2005 miles, and about 16 hrs,
with at least a couple of fuel stops.  I could visit my folks in Minnesota
on the way.

Now if I don't make it in the 182, any chance I could check in on HF?

Meanwhile, we should hope that the Copalis area politicians don't decide
to dig up the runway for reasons of homeland security (a la Meigs Field).

You guys out in WA land sure know how to make a nice airport, right on
the beach!


> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Val Christian --I just looked up in my (1974) WA Pilots Guide.: Copalis Bea=
> ch State Airport. ----it is  right on the beach ---south of Pacific Beach s=
> o close  Lorens place is visible on the aerial shot.  Runways 15 and  33   =
>  5000 feet -- elevation 0. Windsock. Do circuit over the water.---(yeiks if=
>  only the wings were on "Matilda").Loren you are off to a "flying" start .I=
>  do not expect to see Val there .---but we can dream of glory.--can't we ??=
> ??..Looks to me a gang of Diesel Hams and Diesel flyboys and --tinkers -and=
>  INVENTORS. may show up.WOW.My claim to FAME (shame?) around there is a per=
> formance at the Kitsap Airshow.Think the FAA and Customs,are still looking =
> for me.and Joe Ralkowski and Dave Rahm and  Jack Hayes.
> Val Christian what is the crusing speed of your dollar eigthy two ?.I am su=
> re there are lot of us types around the north west.(and not to fergets the =
> Canuks)      Hope to see you all there.      Hagar.
> --

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