[Vwdiesel] Oil recommendations?

Shawn Wright swright at zuiko.sls.bc.ca
Tue May 13 22:15:21 EDT 2003

I've used Amsoil 15w40 Diesel oil in the past with good success, and in fact still run it
in my '88 Vanagon 2.1L (it's also a great gas oil - my Dad runs it in his boat engines -
Chev 350s). I stopped using it in my TD since I was leaking oil too fast & it's too
expensive to waste (about $8 CDN /liter). Since money is very tight right now, I'm
considering my options for a cheaper, but still decent oil for my "new" '85 Jetta D -
Mobil Delvac 1300 is very highly regarded on the TDIClub forums as one of the best
non-synthetics, and it can be had for $2.50 CDN per liter, which is a bit cheaper than
Shell Rotella. I will probably try the Delvac since it has all the same ratings at the
Delvac1, minus the cold weather rating and extended drain intervals, for about 1/3
the price. Just be sure to choose an oil with a C* rating - some of the oils these days
have gas engine ratings only (S). For an older NA diesel, and rating CD or above is
fine - even cheap oils have CG or CH-4 ratings now anyway.

On 13 May 2003 at 22:58, Dan Stock wrote:

> Hello,
> Being that my two '81 rabbits are my first diesels, what brand of oil
> and weight would anyone suggest? For the engine , 4sp, and 5sp
> transmissions?
> Thanks,
> -Dan
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>  precarious chance for survival. There may be a worse case. You may have to fight when
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Shawn Wright
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