[Vwdiesel] The auto shop from h*ll, part II (now III)

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Sat May 17 00:29:22 EDT 2003

> Well, now I think we are into Part III on this. It looks like there is
>  pressure getting TO the oil filter. But, nothing from then on.

  So they checked pressure at the filter AND at the head?  95% of
the time if it checks good but nil at the head it's from an upside down
head gasket!  Not positive you can flip the 1.9 gasket though.  I know
you can with the 1.5/1.6 gasket!  ;-)
>  The shop checked the gasket, and claims they are ok. Did not seem them
>  myself, so I will take their word on this one.
>  Some folks said to check the "check ball" on the oil filter assembly. The
>  shop claims to find no "check ball." Is there such a thing? If so, where
>  (the oil filter mount, oil filter, oil cooler, etc).

  No check ball in the system other than the anti-drain back valve/flap
in the filter itself.
>  Also, the owner of the shop asked me "where is the oil pressure bypass?".
>  My reply was: "well, you have my shop manual, go read it". So, can
>  someone tell me where the oil bypass valve is, and how to check it. I am
>  sure I am going to have to tell the shop where it is.

  Did you ask if you're expected to pay him for his training time?  ;-)  It's
built into the oil pickup.  If pressure is fine at the filter but not the
then it's not the pressure regulator.  They were quite noted for sticking
shut in the early days and blowing up oil filters.  Other factors were to
blame as well.
>  Fortunately, they have been testing this all with a drill, so the engine
>  has only been run for a few seconds, at most.

  It's also likely that a drill won't put out full pressure in the system.
>  Again, thank you for all the help. I will be sure to continue to report on
>  this saga, so someone else can benefit from this fiasco.
>  Jon

  It's ridiculous you have to deal with all this.  It almost sounds like
dealing with a dealer!  ;-)

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