[Vwdiesel] A3 glow plug control

Lee Hillsgrove hillsgrove at adelphia.net
Wed May 21 23:25:06 EDT 2003

> Investigating, I found what appears to be the controller lying on the
> at my feet.
> On this (94 jetta) A3, there is a "control module" and a separate relay.
> The relay is ok, I hot wired it, but I can't find a socket on the relay
> the control module will fit into.
> The big question? where does it go???

  Sandy, obviously you haven't crammed it in hard enough yet.  :-))

 Seriously, I can't help you on this one, because us here in the USA didn't
see the A3s except with the TDI. My Bentley covers your car, but it gives no
hints as to where the control module is located. It is attached to an 18 pin
connector, T18, and shows that connector having inputs from or outputs to
the door switch, engine temperature sensor, injection start positioner, the
glow plug relay, power from 10 amp fuse S15 and 20 amp fuse S18, ground, and
a 17 pin connector to the instrument panel.
 If I can answer any specific questions as to wire color, pins, or something
like that, let me know and I'll do my best to decipher the Bentley wiring
diagrams for you.
 It does NOT appear to be on the relay panel. There's a diagram of that and
there is no place for the control module.


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