[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 37 ( Kerosene lube oil mix test ).

H .Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Fri May 23 09:48:23 EDT 2003

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This is part of fuel experiments ---that has been ongoing here for many yea=
rs. Testing  Canola (rapeseed oil) oil and you name it.      The kerosene w=
as sitting in the shed not being used , also a lot of Aviation lube.   AD-8=
0  AD-100  and so on. 1982 Rabbit 1.6L NA      with    300 000 Km on clock.=
 has been running on that mix, for a couple of weeks. (lots of AD- 80 in mi=
x)       MYSTERY ?    why does it run so much better now  ? Than it did on =
Diesel fuel.       Loren mentioned long ago that adding 2 cycle oil to dies=
elfuel --improved combustion and it had other effects.      I asked the ref=
iners if "Ashless" ment adding a chemical , they said NO.   "Dispersant" ??=
?? does anyone know what that is ?.    Rabbit diesels are known for top rin=
g coking   . ---- is it possible that this lube frees top ring ? or at leas=
t seal it for better compression ??.     The better running is startling  t=
o say the least.     Maybe 2 cycle oil and AD-80 has a high cetane number. =
    while I wait for some answers ---maybe  a joyride will take place. It d=
rives like a sports car now.      Hagar

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