[Vwdiesel] It was reborn on Monday, Walked on Friday.

Forrest L King forrestking at juno.com
Fri May 23 16:27:24 EDT 2003

Hello all,

Today I my truck has officially and legally moved down the road.   I
totally rebuilt the engine over the last 6 months with the help of my
good friend Pete S.   Well,  yesterday I got insurance,  today I
**DROVE** the truck to the tag agency (that's where Okies get license
plates) and got this thing registered to me.    I drove it around for
probably 50 miles.   I noticed a touch of smoke on start up,   and other
than that it pulls well.   One injector is leaking at the line/injector
union,   but that will be fixed here in a minute.    Everything else is
GREAT!   It needs new front struts, and the brakes could stand to be
bled.   I have already been stopped and offered 2100 dollars for it.

Very Excited in Tulsa,


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