[Vwdiesel] Re: [Audi-VW-Diesels] injection pump adjust

Gary A. Bangs gabangs at san.rr.com
Thu Nov 20 12:02:46 EST 2003

First of all,
I would be hesitant to do this without an EGT guage.  That said...

You will need to turn the screw "IN", but I would do it in 1/16
increments. You make each adjustment with engine off. As the power screw
goes in, your idle speed will increase; simply back down on the idle
screw. Do a road test after each adjustment. Take a buddy with you. You
want to look for smoking. Screw it in for as much smoke as you (or the
person driving behind you!) can tolerate.

Again, I would be hesitant without an EGT guage. This critters can run
pretty hot at full boogie. 1250F is my personal limit. Things are
supposed to melt at 1350F!

Good Luck and be careful!

-Gary, San Diego
1985 Quantum TD

On Mon, 2002-06-10 at 19:29, Arthur Sauerhaft wrote:
> Volks,
> I am working up the nerve to adjust the fuel flow screw on the forward
> facing side of my injection pump.It is sealed with a wire tab and a crimped
> collar. I understand I have to loosen the screw no more than an 1/8 turn at
> a time. I am doing this because I recently had a 1.9 NA installed and feel I
> should have slightly more power , the timing and pedal feel good. My
> questionS are:
> 1) Are there any other ideas out there?
> 2) Do I make this adjustment with the engine running or not?
> 3) Am I looking for trouble?
> TIA,
> -Arthur
> '82 Vanagon Diesel (the Beast)
> A BioDiesel project
> Happily puttering along with a 1.9NA
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