[Vwdiesel] Jay Leno did a pro-diesel/VW diesel article!

Gary, Orlando gbangs at cfl.rr.com
Thu Nov 20 12:02:46 EST 2003

Hi all,
Jay Leno is actually a car nut! He collects them. He has like a
bazillion of them in a warehouse/museum or the like. One of the TNN
shows(Your Classic Car?) did a side bar on him and his Stanley Steamer.
They also did a walk through his 'museum' and he has quite the range of
years and models.

-Gary, Orlando

On Sun, 2002-09-08 at 17:59, LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:
>   I was flipping through an April 2002 Popular Mechanics that my son
> dragged home.  Here's an article by Jay Leno titles "Driving Fuelishly."
> He comments how he has a 1909 Baker Electric that will go 110 miles
> on a charge.  The new GM EV-1 goes 120.  Gee a whole 10 mile gain
> in 100 years of advancement.  It still uses the original batteries too!
>   Then he says "...the best alternative fuel is one we already have, but
> this country doesn't want to produce: No. 1 refined diesel fuel...  You
> can go to Europe and you can get a VW Golf that gets something
> like 60 mpg.  You could bring that over here and it would sell just fine.
> It runs best on ultralow sulfur content No. 1 diesel..."  Notice it says
> runs "best" not that it won't run on No. 2.
>   Worth the read and I was surprised to find someone from Hollywood
> is pro diesel.  :)
>   I'll try and get it scanned and up somewhere for those of you that can't
> find a copy.  The local library is a good source if you don't know of one
> you can borrow.
>      Loren
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