[Vwdiesel] Injection pump problems---VW Rabbit 1980 ---and 1982-.

Gary, Orlando gbangs at cfl.rr.com
Thu Nov 20 12:02:46 EST 2003

CDN$5000 for a pump? What kind of crack are they smoking?
They must be quoting for a brand new pump.  Then CDN$5000 is a dealer
price and is actually about right.( That is, if you believe stealer
prices are good... Ha!)

This site,
https://webinsi5.securesites.com/vwdiesel/ordform.htm (no affiliation)
has rebuilt NA pumps for USD$395, Turbo for $495.

There are other sites that offer rebuilds, just shop around.

Have you checked with a local Bosch repair shop? Look up under trucking
repairs in the phone directory and then look for the Bosch symbol. Most
larger cities have a Bosch authorized work shop. The one I used in San
Diego had great prices and service.

Good Luck,
-Gary, Orlando

On Wed, 2003-01-01 at 19:57, H .Hagar wrote:
> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Thank you ----that created this forum--------Fantastisk way to do it.   I=
 drive a 1982 Rabbit   with 300 000 Km on speedo.-------No dealer in town -=
--Ferry trip to nearest.-----solution ?--LOL  DO IT YOURSELF .
> First the leak at the cold start ---stubshaft  -----it has two "O" rings.=
---Thanks to Gary Orlando ----I am still driving. Then it was discovered th=
at the timing belt was ---sneaking towards the Radiator.------again Thank y=
ou Orlando, Now using two pumps as follows  ----068 - 130 - 107 - A    ----=
-and  AG. Found a dealer with 800 line ----Price qoute for pump -----------=
-----------107AG ---    5000 dollars canadian . --LOL LOL am I being -----f=
ed a line ????.     Keep up the good work ----I shall  contrbute in future.=
 --- PS   ---just discovered your archive.

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