[Vwdiesel] Fuel 101 --- ( 100 pico Siemens for #1 diesel in may --minimum. )

gary gbangs at cfl.rr.com
Thu Nov 20 12:02:46 EST 2003

You are correct, the "mho" is a measure of conductivity. However,
nowadays the 'mho' has been replaced by the "Siemen". You will still
find the term 'mho' in older textbooks. Mathematically, S(or mho)=3D1/R or
something like that. It has been 10 years since I cared about such

We used umho's (that's micro) in measuring primary coolant conductivity
in our Naval nuclear power plants. Nuclear grade pure water conducts no
electricity. It's the impurities such as Na and Cl(salt, from seawater)
that conducts. Could be metallic ions as well(corrosion, wear products),
as an example. So, high conductivity is a bad thing. It tells you you
have excessive amounts of impurities in your water(or oil in your case)

1997 Passat TDI

On Wed, 2003-10-22 at 10:35, H .Hagar wrote:
> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> If this one does not smoke Mark Shepherd and more out of the caves , gosh=
 what will ?.    Its just a brain teaser.  By the way minimum in January is=
 350.     My question is this : can someone explain in hillbilly terms what=
 a Siemens is ?     Electrical conductivity is measured as part of QC proce=
dures at refinery (Sarnia Ont).  I understand ohms law etc.  so maybe I can=
 grasp this one.
> Resistance is measured in ohms  , therefore conductivity must be the oppo=
site.( mho ?)  --- next time you get nailed for turning on your smoke syste=
m , throw that one at the judge. Your highness it is the fault of EXXON -- .
> Pico is a very small fella  so a Siemens must be fairly big.   Like look =
at a capacitor of 1 farad that's big.   Hope Roger Brown (charlie brown) ni=
bbles at this one      Thanks        Hagar.
> --
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