[Vwdiesel] Changing the 5 speed trans fluid

Roger Brown r.c.brown at ieee.org
Sat Nov 1 09:04:53 EST 2003

Roger Brown wrote:
> TexasTDI wrote:
> >
> > "So in the case of the '91, removing the speedo cable is actually not
> > needed - you could just remove both 17mm Allen plugs and drain, then fill to
> > level of filler plug. If you choose to fill this way, then I recommend
> > removing the fender liner... (which is why I opt for the speedo cable
> > method."
> >
> > I haven't been under the car yet.  So I wasn't sure if the transmission had
> > a "lower drain plug" and an "upper fill plug" like other manual
> > transmissions do.  The Bentley Manual covers 1985 to 1992 models and doesn't
> > cover minor model changes like it should.  I would prefer not to mess with
> > the speedometer cable if possible.  With my luck something will break and
> > I'll be without a speedometer.

Somehow I got the impression you were describing an automatic tranny:

> I've never looked at an automatic either, you are only changing the final drive oil.  I'm pretty sure there is the normal drain
> plug, but my '7x-'84 Bentley also is vague on where to fill it from.

If its an 020 manual tranny, it'll be just "like other manual transmissions", since they are also 020 gear boxes as well.  I've
also topped mine off through one of the bolts on the top of the tranny.


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